The Issue
Employee Retention
Expensive employee turnover rates
No strategic plan to incentivize high-performing employees
No employee retention plan
High turnover rates escalate costs…
The Problem
In certain areas of Smith County government, we have high turnover rates that escalate costs. The Smith County Commissioners Court has no plan to reward hardworking employees when their ideas result in high quality services at a lower cost.
The Solution
Adding value to those high performing employees who bring results for taxpayers should be a top priority. Those employees should be listened to and rewarded according to a written performance plan.
Exit interviews from employees should be frequently reviewed to determine the true reason employees are voluntarily separating; however, it is important to find out what employees think and how they feel BEFORE they decide to leave!
The underutilized tool of “truly listening” deployed through a combination of informal and formal interviews conducted by both top and mid-management personnel can yield critical trend information and thus become a powerful retention factor.
I will work with all elected officials to discover ways to help them attract and keep the absolute best employees while building a succession plan for those who are promoted, retire, or leave Smith County’s employ.
Christina Drewry
Working on solutions for Smith County!
Election Integrity
Elections are the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic. Our country was founded on the “Consent of the Governed.” To give that consent, the people must depend on election integrity through ballot security!
Transparency & Accountability in Government
The Problem: Confidence in government institutions continues to plummet. Do you really know HOW and WHY your tax dollars are being spent at any level of government?
Accessibility to Taxpayers, County Employees and All County Officials
We elect candidates to work for us – not for their own personal benefit. The people would like to see a sense of “business urgency” on the part of elected officials to complete work on time, under budget, and with open reporting.
Always putting YOU first!
Contact Christina
Campaign Address
Christina Drewry Campaign
5380 Old Bullard Road
Suite 600-147
Tyler, TX 75703