The Issue
Transparency & Accountability in Government
No strategic plan to find and stop wasteful spending
Agendas with little specifics are shady
Confidence in government institutions is at an all-time low.
The Problem
Confidence in government institutions continues to plummet. Do you really know HOW and WHY your tax dollars are being spent at any level of government? At the very least, citizens should have the ability to be very aware of and greatly confident in local government.
The Smith County Commissioners Court agendas often lack detail to sufficiently notify citizens about major decisions the Court will be making. The purpose of the Open Meetings Act is to open the decision-making process to the public. If the notice is tightly scripted, it implies that the decisions have already been made. The implication is made stronger when no questions are asked, and no discussion among Court members takes place.
The Solution
I will work with the Commissioners Court, other county elected officials and all county departments to provide more information to the public on how and why their tax dollars are being spent.
The County website should be updated and enhanced with user-friendly information. There are many examples of outstanding county websites that can point us to vast improvements!
Budget workshops with all appointed and elected officials should be conducted in open court (public) with every Commissioner in attendance and participating in the discussions with officials and department heads.
In addition, we must improve the information provided on meeting agendas and in Commissioners Court sessions.
Christina Drewry
Working on solutions for Smith County!
Accessibility to Taxpayers, County Employees and All County Officials
We elect candidates to work for us – not for their own personal benefit. The people would like to see a sense of “business urgency” on the part of elected officials to complete work on time, under budget, and with open reporting.
Unconstitutional COVID restrictions and other government overreach
The Problem: We have lived through one of the most restrictive times in our history of liberty. Much has been revealed regarding the virus, the pharmaceutical companies, and the CDC. It is safe to predict this will be tried again.
Property Taxes & Government Spending
The Problem: The Biden Administration has saddled Americans with rising prices – inflation that has cut deeply into the pocketbook of every citizen. In addition, we saw our Smith County property appraisals surge!
Always putting YOU first!
Contact Christina
Campaign Address
Christina Drewry Campaign
5380 Old Bullard Road
Suite 600-147
Tyler, TX 75703